Students of I.L.A., please use the L.M.S.
Schools and recruiters, please see my classrom examples for mutiplication and Excell Charts

If you are intrested in having me speak to your group or orgnization, please refrence these available classes. Listed are the target audence, run time, and estimated range of attendance
Ask Me Anything
Students / parents / teachers - 30 minutes - 30 to 60 people
A short introduction about myself, followed by an open ended Question And Answer setion. The audence scans a QR code to send in questions

Everyone hates tests
Teachers 50 minutes - 4 to 16 people
A full explination of tests. How tests became associated with school, why tests are so widespread, the fear and anaxity students have toward tests, why tests do not measure student achevement, ways to make tests better, and other ways to measure student achevment other than tests

I did not know Excel could do that
Teachers 50 minutes - 4 to 16 people
The software Microsoft Excell is absolutely necessary in any teaching position. But most people have never officialy taken a class on how to use it so wind up not using it efecently. This class covers hundreds of tips and tricks that can speed up your use of Excell

Measuring creativity
Teachers - Parents 30 minutes - 4 to 16 people
Creativity is a skill. It is not a talent that people are either borth with or without. It can be practiced and improved. This workshop explains how to encourage student creativity, and more importantly, how creativity can be measured.

Cat on your head
Students 30 minutes - 200 to 1000 people
This is a workshop spicificly for large assemblies. Usualy, students are players and they play a game with pieces. But in this fun game, the players are a cat and a mouse and they play a game with the students being the pieces. (No previous english skill is required)